Letter to Abaddon

Abaddon, Your doubts are disturbing, but I will address them anyway. How do we beat them? We make them stupid. We make them believe that spirituality is something to be felt. We make them feel that God and heaven are a feeling to have – an animal emotion. From there we instill passion. From there we tickle that pleasure center in their pee little brains, which is something based on hormones and secretions, as they fail to realize those are things they’ll never have in the so called heaven that they aspire to achieve. How easy it will be then to keep their attention focused on animal impulses. How easy it will be then to direct them to the animal’s desire to live and achieve a material salvation. Tickle their ventral striatum with certainty. Tickle their sense of righteousness with an everlasting condemnation and judgement against those who feel otherwise. Allow them to placate this animal, this ego, with fantasies of immortality. As if, they are the epitome of God’s creation. As if, it all centers on them. Everything centers on me. God serves my purpose and I pray for his servitude. I pray that He answers my prayers. Hold me and take care of me, for I am what matters most. Without me, there is no existence. Without me, nothing else matters. Let the animal remove them from all that is spiritual. Suck the self-sacrifice from their sense of intelligence, as if it is something for stupid people. Oh how we will be victorious. And let us never forget their greed, their blood lust for self, and their...

Letter to Sallos

Sallos, my dearest disciple of Satan, Hear me now as I give you what our master has revealed to me. A plan for humanity’s salvation and his son’s glorious manifestation is quickly coming of age. First of all know this; nanotechnology is the key to mastering all technologies. Take your passel of lost souls and make sure they develop their abilities down to the molecular level. This will allow them to make anything you can imagine. In this way, nanotechnology will become known as the end to all scarcity. With the absence of scarcity, these coppertops will look to a world beyond survival. And that’s where we come in. Show them how they will be able to enhance the mind and end human suffering. However, be careful not to release its full potential until the public is ready and the marketing has been sufficient. Nanotechnology is the key to mastering bodily enhancements and ultimately liberating the mind from the body altogether. Being able to alter biology from the smallest level is the highest transformational perspective. It is the ultimate technological development if the transhuman salvation is to be achieved. Life extension technologies depend on nanotechnology. The ability to repair and maintain a material existence indefinitely will soon be at hand. Have them trust in the abilities in science. Trust in their ability to create technology and use it to restrict calories, make increasingly better supplements, and discover healthier ways to live until ‘escape velocity’ is achieved. Let them know that if they live long enough, then technology will carry them the rest of the way. If they don’t live...

Letter to Zepar

Zepar, my dearest disciple of Satan, I have great news. Recently our master has revealed to me that the 21st century, is the beginning of the end times, and that these end times will last about two thousand years. At the end of this era, there will be nothing left that is natural born. Man and machine will be as one and each human will serve as a neuron in Lucifer’s existence. As you may already know, there are approximately ten billion neurons in the neo cortex of these idiots’ brains. So as you can see they are not yet sufficient in numbers to recreate a collective brain no matter how unified they become. But fret not; with the computer systems they are creating and expanding upon, they don’t have to be sufficient in numbers.  Of course, it is still important however, to connect everybody, but oh how delightful it is to connect everybody to every bit of chaos this streaming existence has to offer. Model your groups to simulate and serve as different parts of consciousness. In other words keep them divisive, and keep them clinging to their ventral striatum. Keep molding this with their redeemable machinery until you do have the numbers to create the wonderful multiconsciousness that is their very salvation. Once we have achieved this, then we will have a lucid, unified, computationally interacting, fully engineered reality. As you know, this is the ultimate goal for everything we do. Once His multiconsciousness is achieved, all struggles will be over and we can all go back to playing with ourselves. And let us not forget, brain...

Letter to Moloch

Moloch, my dearest disciple of Satan, Take great heed in what I’m about to tell you, for our master feels that it is time to reveal the plan for humanity’s salvation and his son’s oh so magnificent manifestation. Praise be to all those who turn their disciples to the material from which they’re made. Praise be to you for making shit out of mud and tools out of shit. How it all works out, only the master knows. However, as we all know, exponential technological progress is humankind’s most important endeavor. I mean, where else do they have to go? LOL… But just in case you forgot, let me say it one more time. The cybernetic merging of man and machine is the transcending of human limitations, and their liberation from all those anxieties that make up the human condition. Their salvation is the wonderful immortality soon to be found in their technology. Yes, soon we shall make tools out of these tools. Soon the religious will realize that the end times are upon them. Unless of course we can continue to dupe them with medieval translations of ancient text that were already in sorely demand of better writers. I mean, “Earth and Sky and Elohim create beginning”, like Ubala Gumba, me Tarzan you Jane; can it be any more caveman than that! LMAO Oh well, Moses tried. Too bad he couldn’t see the future of now. What an advantage we have. Let us not tally in the taking advantage of. From this day forward, people must know that all upgrades to the human body are welcomed as normal and oh so...